One of the valued project partners of RISE, Max Planck Institude of Informatics hosted during the period 26-29 of August 2019, a representative of the research Support Office (RSO) Â of RISE, Mr George Kirkos.
The aim of the visit was for the RSO to identify and record best practices adopted by the Max Planck Institute, the University of Saarland and other research organisations located in the campus on issues related to the structure of a research centre, project management, proposal identification, development and submission as well as connecting with the industry, startup support and Fablab development.
During the visit, Mr Kirkos met with:
- Dr Kristina Scherbaum: General Manager of the Cluster of Excellence on Multimodal Computing and Interaction of the Max Planck institute of Informatics
- Dr Sebastian Pusting: FabLab Manager of the Max Planck institute of Informatics
- Dr Conny Clause: Research Support Office Director of the Saarland University
- Mrs Heike Leonard: Head of industrial relations unit of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Dr Jürgen Steimle: Head of the Human-Computer Interaction and Interactive Technologies Lab and Dean of Studies for Computer Science of the Saarland University
- Mr Mirco Roca: Office for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the Saarland University
- Dr Sandra Strohbach: Head of Project Office of the Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA)
The meeting achieved the strengthening of relations between RISE and Max Planck, an advanced partner in the RISE project, and the capacity building of the RSO office in the areas of its operations.