We would like to invite you to participate in our newly established cluster of serious games and gamification.
The cluster is initiated by the Research center on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies (RISE, http://rise.org.cy).
RISE aspires to develop a cluster of interconnected companies and academic and research institutions to foster innovation, competitiveness and economic growth in the area of serious games and game-based learning.
Your participation in this cluster opens up new opportunities for expanding your business and impact via the development of innovative ideas, products and services in collaboration with RISE.
If your organization is enacted in the field of games, serious games and gamification and if you are interested in joining this innovative cluster, you are kindly requested to complete the Application Form at https://goo.gl/forms/yVwxnqL0rw7iyyv73, no later than April 15 th , 2019.
More information about this cluster is can be found here. Please, do not hesitate to contact andri.i.ioannou@cut.ac.cy if you have any further questions or inquiries.