CYENS Centre of Excellence (former RISE) is the organizer of the 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) taking place virtually from the 27th September to the 1st of October, 2021. CAIP 2021 is the 19th in the CAIP series of biennial international conferences devoted to all aspects of computer vision, image analysis and processing, pattern recognition, and related fields.
During the conference, 87 papers will be presented and organized under 15 sessions. Multiple keynote and industrial lectures, tutorials and a student’s paper competition will take place throughout the conference.
The conference invited novel contributions to the automatic analysis of images and patterns, encompassing both new challenging application areas and substantial new theoretical developments in the field.
In addition, the conference includes an invited keynote speaker session, a CYENS special session and an Industry session. During the invited keynote session Professor João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal will be presenting a lecture entitled “Biomedical Imaging Segmentation: from thresholding to deep learning based methods”, and Professor Constantine Dovrolis, Dept. Of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, US will be presenting a lecture entitled “If the brain is a very sparse network, why does deep learning use dense neural networks?”
The CYENS special session is entitled “Image and Pattern Analysis in Emerging Applications” and will feature presentations from Professor Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany and Dr Alessandro Artusi, Dr Andreas Kamilaris, and Dr Jahna Otterbacher of CYENS Centre of Excellence.
The industry session is entitled “Industry Challenges in Meeting Emerging Markets in Image and Video Analysis” and will feature presentations and a panel discussion with the participation of experts in the field of developing industrial image and video analysis solutions.
With the support of CYENS, the conference is open to the academic community allowing students and researchers to virtually attend.
CAIP 2021 will give a special research award for the best paper of the conference associated to COVID-19 research, to honor those who have lost their lives as well as the heroes and volunteers associated to the COVID-19 crisis. The conference proceedings will be published soon by Springer. The program and more information on the conference are available on CAIP’s website.
*CAIP 2021 is organized and sponsored by CYENS Centre of Excellence, co-organized and co-sponsored by the University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology and KOIOS.