KeepA(n)I – A Methodological Approach for Identifying Social Stereotypes in Artificial Intelligence Applications

New research project to be funded under the Cyprus Research & Innovation Foundation “Excellence Hubs” programme.

The Transparency in Algorithms Group (TAG) of CYENS Centre of Excellence (Research Centre of Excellence on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies), which is headed by Dr Jahna Otterbacher, Associate Professor at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC), has secured funding for the implementation of a new research project entitled: “KeepA(n)I – A Methodological Approach for Identifying Social Stereotypes in Artificial Intelligence Applications”.
The project will be funded (200.000€) under the Cyprus Researchand Innovation Foundation Excellence Hubs programme, it will be coordinated by CYENS (more specifically by Dr. Evgenia Christoforou, CYENS research associate and OUC adjunct lecturer), and implemented in cooperation with Algolysis Ltd. The Open University of Cyprus is one of the founding members of CYENS.

Given the potential of algorithmic systems to influence the social world, by amplifying or abating bias and potential discrimination, KeepA(n)I will develop a structured, methodological approach to aid developers and machine learning practitioners to detect social bias at the input datasets and output data of the application. KeepA(n)I is envisioned as a human-in-the-loop approach, methodically exposing social stereotypes and reducing the negative impact or even enhancing people’s access to opportunities and resources when interacting with both high and low risk AI applications.