CYENS at the EU Study Fair at Home for Cooperation 20-21 Oct  

EU Study Fair is an annual event organized by the EU Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, funded by the European Union to promote European higher education and create a platform for students...

Shaz Saves a Life!

In case you were wondering why we do these training courses, that’s why! October 18, 2023 A Huge thank you! Goodmorning dear All, I would like to thank CYENS and everyone who has organized, approved for us to...

Joining forces for PRECIOUS project

In the recently awarded PRECIOUS project, CYENS CoE (scientific coordinator) joins forces with renowned partners of the German Oncology Center (clinical coordinator) and 3aHealth (project coordinator) towards facilitating personalized medicine services via precision tracheostomy...

CYENS is producing its own honey!

During the research activities of the BE-HIVE project, researchers, and technicians from CYENS have designed and installed a smart beehive at the rooftop of the STOA building that hosts the CYENS Center of Excellence....

VELES Excellence Hub Will Drive Innovation in South-East Europe’s Smart Healthcare Sector

VELES Excellence Hub, a dynamic consortium aimed at accelerating innovation excellence in smart healthcare, proudly announces its official launch starting on June 1st, 2023. With a focus on the widening countries of Bulgaria, Greece,...

Book Publication 

The volume “Museums and Technologies of Presence”, edited by Dr Maria Shehade and Dr Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert of Museum Lab MRG has been published by Routledge. The volume rethinks the role of interactive and emerging...