RISE Makerspace in response to the pan-Cypriot makers call

The RISE Makerspace has responded to the pan-Cypriot makers call to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and has been instrumental in the coordination of the effort in the city of Nicosia. The need for protective gear...

RISE and UCL – Industry Exchange Network

RISE and UCL strengthen their collaboration through the Industry Exchange Network (IXN) partnership program. Now in its sixth year, UCL’s IXN continues to match real-world clients and their problems with UCL Computer Science students,...

RISE in support of the #EUvsVirus Pan-European Hackathon

RISE is supporting the effort of the European Commission and the EU member states in their effort to host a pan-European hackathon connecting civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to...

RISE IMET To Be Held on 2 – 4th of June, 2021

The RISE IMET International Conference on Emerging Technologies and the Digital Transformation of Museums and Heritage Sites will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, on June 2-4th 2021. The conference is organised by the CYENS...

Mobile App to Help Prevent the Spread of COVID19 Developed by RISE Centre of Excellence

Responding to Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Kokkinos’ call to employ digital technologies to find quick and innovative ways to fight the COVID19 pandemic, the Centre of Excellence in Research and...

Immersive VR for Learning Physics in the High Schools of Cyprus

From January 27th until March 4th 2020, RISE’s EdMEdia group and the Cyprus Interaction Lab worked with more than 140 high school students in Cyprus to enable innovative learning experiences in Physics lessons.The students engaged in an inquiry...