and as a General Manager of an SME. She was also involved in the development of two EU-funded projects. Ms Fotsiou Psoma is the Innovation Communications Manager at CYENS.

Anthoula Fotsiou-Psoma
Ms Anthoula Fotsiou Psoma received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Cyprus and her MSc in Statistics from the London School of Economics. She graduated ABD from the Doctoral Program in Finance at the Smeal School of Business at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. During her time in the United States, Ms Fotsiou Psoma gained valuable experience in academic research and an in-depth understanding of a number of topics, including the fundamentals of marketing and management, project management and business planning. After returning to Cyprus, she gained valuable experience in business strategy, planning and communications as a Senior Associate at PwC, Marketing Manager for a Land Development Company,