The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel visited the Centre of Excellence in Research and Innovation – CYENS to learn about the Centre’s role in strengthening the cultural and creative industries and  stimulating research and innovation in the region.
Accompanied by the Directors of the Centre as well as the Mayor of Nicosia, Commissioner Gabriel was introduced to leaders of the Multidisciplinary Research Groups of the Centre as well as of the CYENS Thinker Maker Space, and participated in a research and innovation tour showcasing some of the Centre’s projects. As part of her visit, Commissioner Gabriel  also had the opportunity to learn more about the operation and action of the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO).
Commissioner Gabriel was briefed on the Work in Progress  (WIP) showcase, an initiative  focused on arts and technology that brings together creatives and technologists – local and visitors – with the aim of initiating a dialogue between disciplines and establishing future collaborations. The Commissioner was also informed  of  the Centre’s participation in the European Union’s S+T+ARTS initiative  as well as the exhibition curated by CYENS CoE together with the Leventis Museum  “Ledra Palace – Dancing on the Line” where interactive technologies were used to “bring back to life” the history and the spaces of the historic hotel.
The tour of the Centre also featured  projects including iNicosia: the digital  twin of the city of Nicosia  – to optimise planning activities and to better make decisions with the vision of  “co-creating” with citizens to improve the quality of life   Finally, the work of Marie Curie Tone was presented, whose research aims at the prevention and management of pain related to the work of professional musicians.
The Commissioner thanked everyone for the inspired work of the Centre which was created through the Teaming RISE Project coordinated by the Nicosia Municipality, involving the 3 Public Universities together with University College London and the Max Planck Institut fĂĽr Informatik.